Hop to the Top! 2024 Junior 4-H Rabbit Mastery Challenge – Bunny Brilliance Awaits!

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How do you prevent sore hocks in rabbits?

Feed them more

Keep hutch clean and provide a board

The other options are incorrect because A. Simply feeding them more will not prevent sore hocks. Overfeeding can actually lead to obesity and increase the risk for sore hocks. C. While providing toys can keep rabbits mentally stimulated and reduce boredom, it will not prevent sore hocks. D. Limiting a rabbit's movement can actually lead to muscle atrophy and weaken their hind legs, making them even more susceptible to sore hocks. The best way to prevent sore hocks is by keeping their living space clean and providing a solid surface, such as a board, for them to rest on. This will prevent excessive pressure on their feet and prevent the development of sore hocks.

Give them toys

Limit their movement


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